Turmeric for face side effects

Turmeric for face side effects and benifits.Turmeric powder for the face.Turmeric face cream.

Side effectsDetails
AllergyItching and rashes on skin.If you experience itching and rashes after using this then kindly stop using.
Low Blood pressureIt causes low BP.
Burning sensationTo avoid burning sensation add some ingredients like milk,yugort etc.
Dryness of skinMix curd or milk to avoid dryness.
Increase bleedingReduce blood clotting.
Darken skinTo avoid darkness use it only in night.During day use sun screen

Benefits of turmeric for face

  • Remove excess oil secretion on face.
  • Healing of wound.
  • Anti ageing effects.
  • Protect from sun damage.
  • Anti cancer properties

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