Benefits of applying curd on head

All benefits of applying curd on head for hair growth.Side effects of applying curd.

BenefitsSide EffectsHow to Apply
Avoid Dandruff,strong hair,,Soften the hairs,
Improve hair growth,
Clean the scalp,hair conditioning,

Allergies,Causes oily hair,mask causes bad smell.Add different ingredients and make a mask and apply.
Products-Argan oil,honey.jojoba oil,coconut oil,Aloe vera,almond oil,Eggs,avocados.
Benefits of applying curd on head

Curd mask for hair

Hair MasksHow to ApplyBenifits
Curd, lemon and honey maskMake mask with curd, lemon and honey.Apply it on hair for 20 minutes.
Now shampoo your hair.
Conditioned the hair.
Curd,egg and coconut oil maskMix and make paste.Apply on hair root for 20 minutes then wash it.Improve hair growth
Curd, honey and banana.Make paste and massage on hair root.Leave it for one hour.Wash it with shampoo.Avoid dullness of hair.Responsible for shining.

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