Different process for facial glow with home remedies.

Home remediesProcess
Cleansing Twice a day.In the morning and before going to bed.Make the routine.Clean the face everyday.
Drink sufficient waterDrink at least 8 glass water every day.Water is important for healthy skin.
Avoid hot showerHot water is not good for skin.It strip away oil from skin.
Coconut oilCheck for allergy first then use.Coconut oil has anti inflammatory,antioxidant and healing properties.It will moisturize the skin.
SunscreenIt is important to avoid skin cancer.
SmokingAvoid it.Skin will appear aged.
DietEat fruits and vegetable.Avoid oily,spicy and processed food.
Aloe veraWash your face with aloe vera every day.It has healing properties.It also stimulate the cell growth.It is the best moisturizer.
Facial glow with home remedies
Facial glow with home remedies

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Herbal products for Facial glow with home remedies

  • Turmeric-Make a paste with turmeric powder ,gram flour and milk.Apply for 10 minutes.Let it dry then wash it.
  • Honey-Massage your face for 10 minutes with honey.It is the best moisturizer.
  • Olive oil-Apply it on face or neck and massage for few minutes.It repaires the damaged skin.
  • Orange juice
  • Milk
  • Besan
  • Cucumber
  • Papaya
  • Aloe vera
  • Lemon
  • Yogurt
  • Oat
  • Almond
  • Coconut oil
  • Banana

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